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Peer-reviewed papers

Peer Journal sample covers

It is BTO’s policy to make public the results of our research. Our aim is to publish as much as possible of our work in the peer reviewed scientific literature.  Many results are also published in our BTO Research Report series.

Sharrock, J.T.R. 1976. The Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. BTO, Tring
Spencer, R. & Hudson, R. 1976. Report on bird-ringing for 1974. Bird Study 23 : 1-64
Williamson, K. 1976. Bird-life in the Wood of Cree, Galloway. Quarterly Journal of Forestry 70 : 206-215
Batten, L.A. & Marchant, J.H. 1975. Bird population changes for the years 1972-73. Bird Study 22 : 99-104 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063657509476451)
Flegg, J.J.M. 1975. Bird population and distribution changes and the impact of man. Bird Study 22 : 191-202 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063657509476463)
Flegg, J.J.M. & Cox, C.J. 1975. Mortality in the Black-headed Gull. British Birds 68 : 437-449
Flegg, J.J.M. & Cox, C.J. 1975. Population and predation in a tit nest box colony. Bird Study 22 : 105-112 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063657509476452)
Flegg, J.J.M. & Glue, D.E. 1975. The nesting of the Ring Ouzel. Bird Study 22 : 1-8 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063657509476434)
Glue, D.E. 1975. Harvest mice as Barn Owl prey in the British Isles. Mammal Review 5 : 9-12 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2907.1975.tb00181.x)
Hawthorn, I. & Mead, C.J. 1975. Wren movements and survival. British Birds 68 : 349-358
Hudson, R. & Conroy, J.W.H. 1975. Southern Giant Petrel in New Guinea. Emu 75 : 43-44
Knight, P.J, Marchant, J.H. & Pienkowski M.W. 1975. Counts of waders in Atlantic Morocco. Book title: Studies on Coastal Birds and Wetlands in Morocco 1972. (Cyclostyled report). : 56-61
Knight, P.J., Marchant, J.H. & Pienkowski, M.W. 1975. Birds observed in Morocco by the expeditions. Book title: Studies on Coastal Birds and Wetlands in Morocco 1972.(Cyclostyled report). : 27-51
Mead, C.J. 1975. Juvenile hirundines starting primary moult in Europe. Ringing & Migration 1
Mead, C.J. 1975. Variation in some characteristics of three Palearctic Certhia species. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 95 : 30-39
Mead, C.J. & Pepler, G.R.M. 1975. Birds and other animals at Sand Martin colonies. British Birds 68 : 89-99
Morgan, R.A. 1975. Breeding bird communities on chalk downland in Wiltshire. Bird Study 22 : 71-83 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063657509476446)
Parrinder, E.R. & Parrinder, E.D. 1975. Little Ringed Plovers in Britain in 1968-73. British Birds 68 : 359-368
Prater, A.J. 1975. Fat and weight changes of waders in winter. Ringing & Migration 1 : 43-47
Prater, A.J. 1975. The wintering population of the Black-tailed Godwit. Bird Study 22 : 169-176 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063657509476461)
Prater, A.J. & Marchant, J.H. 1975. Primary moult of Tringa brevipes and T. incana. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 95 : 120-122
Sharrock, J.T.R. 1975. Osservazioni ornitologiche in montagna. Valmaggia Viva 1 975 : 16-20
Sharrock, J.T.R. & Ferguson-Lees, I.J. 1975. Rare breeding birds in the United Kingdom in 1973. British Birds 68 : 5-23
Spencer, R. 1975. Changes in the distribution of recoveries of ringed Blackbirds. Bird Study 22 : 177-190 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063657509476462)
Spencer, R. & Hudson, R. 1975. Report on bird ringing for 1973. Bird Study 22 : 1-64
Williamson, K. 1975. Bird colonisation of new plantations on the moorland of Rhum, Inner Hebrides. Quarterly Journal of Forestry 69 : 157-168
Williamson, K. 1975. Birds and climatic change. Bird Study 22 : 143-164 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063657509476459)
Williamson, K. 1975. The breeding bird community of chalk grassland scrub in the Chiltern Hills. Bird Study 22 : 59-70 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063657509476445)
Williamson, K. 1975. The Waterways Bird Survey 1974. Bird Study 22 : 53-54
Williamson, K. 1975. The Whitethroat story. Book title: The Second Bird Watchers' Book David & Charles, Newton Abbot : 61-73
Batten, L.A. & Williamson, K. 1974. The Common Birds Census in the British Isles. Acta Ornithologica 14 : 234-244
Bonham, P.F. & Sharrock, J.T.R. 1974. Sedge Warblers singing in fields of rape. British Birds 67 : 389-390
Flegg, J.J.M. 1974. Both sexes of the Serin in song. British Birds 67
Flegg, J.J.M. 1974. Seasonal movements of birds. Annals of Applied Biology 76 : 341-345 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7348.1974.tb01376.x)
Flegg, J.J.M. 1974. Some inter-relationships between breeding season, moult and migratory range. Proceedings 16th International Ornithological Congress
Flegg, J.J.M. & Bennett, T.J. 1974. The birds of oak woodland. Book title: The British Oak. : 324-340
Flegg, J.J.M., Glue, D.E. & Mead, C.J. 1974. Sexing birds of prey. Veterinary Record 94 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1136/vr.94.26.625)
Fry, C.H., Williamson, K. & Ferguson-Lees, I.J. 1974. A new subspecies of Acrocephalus baeticatus from Lake Chad and a taxonomic reappraisal of Acrocephalus dumetorum. Ibis 116 : 340-346 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1974.tb00129.x)
Ginn, H. & Glue, D. 1974. Transilient and irregular moult in the Tawny Owl. Bird Study 21 : 87-88 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063657409476402)
Glue, D. & Morgan, R. 1974. Breeding statistics and movements of the Stone Curlew. Bird Study 21 : 21-28 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063657409476399)
Glue, D.E. 1974. Food of the Barn Owl in Britain and Ireland. Bird Study 21 : 200-210 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063657409476419)
Glue, D.E. & Bodenham, D. 1974. Bird-life at a modern sewage farm. Bird Study 21 : 229-237 Link to Article (DOI: 10.1080/00063657409476424)
