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Press releases

Dedicated volunteers count birds for two decades

March 2014

Over 150 people have recorded the birds on their own patch of countryside for twenty years in the name of science...

2013: Topsy-turvy year for garden birds

March 2014

The 2013 annual results for the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) Garden BirdWatch (GBW) have just been published and reveal an interesting year for birds, with a very cold spring, a poor breeding season and a good autumn berry and seed crop all playing their part...

Last call for winter thrushes

March 2014

The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) is calling for members of the public to look out for thrushes, in particular those that will be leaving our shores for northern and eastern Europe over the next few weeks, birds such as the Redwing and Fieldfare...

Devon Cuckoo comes back to life

March 2014

A Cuckoo named Tor has come back to life, having been given up for lost in the Congo Rainforest...

Ring-wearing Puffins needed

March 2014

Following the severe storms of the last three months, over 28,000 seabirds have been found dead along the coasts of southwest Europe from Spain to northern Scotland...

British Puffins caught up in Biscay storms

February 2014

The sight of a Puffin, beak full of sandeels, might be a little harder to come by this summer as they struggle to survive the recent storms that have wracked the Bay of Biscay...

Early birds fall on hard times

February 2014

St Valentine’s Day is traditionally the time when birds start to choose their mates, with egg-laying for most resident species commencing in March or April...

Putting up a nest box - one of the best things you can do for bird research

February 2014

Once again Valentine’s Day will see the start of National Nest Box Week, now in its 17th year, the time of year when birds traditionally begin to pair up for the forthcoming breeding season...

Wildlife presenter voted in as President

January 2014

Wildlife presenter Chris Packham has been voted in as the President of one of Britain’s top scientific research organisations...

Nurture the nature in your garden. Call for garden-owners to help save Britain's wildlife

January 2014

BRITAIN’S biggest public-led investigation into the health of native wildlife has begun today (16 January), with the launch of the national Garden Wildlife Health project...

The early bird catches the worm

January 2014

Do you feed your garden birds? Are you willing to get up early in the name of science? If so, the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) needs your help on 9th January to determine whether light pollution affects the feeding behaviour of our garden birds on winter mornings...

Where are all the thrushes?

December 2013

Every winter hundreds of thousands of thrushes leave continental Europe to spend the winter months on this side of the North Sea...

Garden butterfly boom

November 2013

After a run of dismal summers, not to mention a late start to spring this year, our butterflies were sorely in need of a spell of dry, warm weather...

He who shall hurt the little Wren, shall never be beloved by men

December 2013

The Wren is a familiar sight in our gardens but you’d be forgiven for not giving it a second thought, especially when the festive Robin is around...

Nesting birds turn the clocks back 50 years after cold spring

December 2013

After several decades of rising temperatures, the cold spring of 2013 harked back to the typical weather conditions of the mid-1960s...

Scotland - still a bonnie place for birds?

November 2013

One of the most ambitious volunteer projects ever undertaken, to map all of Britain & Ireland’s birds in both winter and the breeding season, and from every part of these islands, is realised with the publication of the Bird Atlas 2007–11, and the results are compelling...

Turbulent times for Ireland's birds

November 2013

One of the most ambitious volunteer projects ever undertaken, to map all of Britain and Ireland’s birds in both winter and the breeding season, is realised with the publication of the Bird Atlas 2007–11, and the results are surprising...

All change for birds in Wales

November 2013

One of the most ambitious volunteer projects ever undertaken, to map all of Britain and Irelands birds in both winter and the breeding season, and from every part of these islands, is realised with the publication of the Bird Atlas 2007–11, and the results are surprising...

Seabird breeding highlights impact of commercial fisheries in the North Sea

November 2013

New research led by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) shows that the UK’s internationally important seabird populations are being affected by fishing activities in the North Sea...

All change for Britain's birds - Bird Atlas 2007-11

November 2013

One of the most ambitious volunteer projects ever undertaken, to map all of our birds in both winter and the breeding season, and from every part of Britain and Ireland, is realised today with the publication of the Bird Atlas 2007–11, and the results are surprising...

Birds moving back into gardens

November 2013

Our gardens have been bereft of birds for the last few months but now that the colder weather is here, things are changing...

High flying birds at greater risk of collision with offshore wind turbines

November 2013

New research reveals that most seabirds fly near the sea surface, avoiding collision with wind turbines by flying under the blades...

Britain's nature networks provide hope for birds threatened by climate change

November 2013

New research provides strong evidence that internationally important British bird populations are being affected by climate change, which will threaten their long-term conservation status...

Bird surveys reveal population changes - for mammals!

October 2013

A new study, published in the European Journal of Wildlife Research, looks at the first 18 years’ data collected by Breeding Bird Survey volunteers to investigate how the populations of nine species of common mammal have changed at national and regional scales during this time...

New hope for two of the most threatened birds in the world

October 2013

Press Release from the Spoon-billed Sandpiper Task Force   Shanghai, (Seoul, Tokyo, Moscow, London, Berlin, Denver) 29 October 2013 An international survey team found a sensational record total of 140 Spoon-billed Sandpiper and 1,200 Nordmann’s Greenshank, two of the rarest and most threatened birds of the world in Rudong Jinagsu Province on the Chinese coastline...

Marsh International Award for Ornithology

October 2013

The first International Award for Ornithology was presented to Lars Svensson yesterday evening (30 October) by Professor Ian Newton, BTO Chairman, and Jo Winyard and Professor Bill Sutherland, on behalf of The Marsh Christian Trust...

Marsh Award for Local Ornithology

October 2013

The Marsh Local Ornithology Award was presented to Dr Jim Cassels of Arran Natural History Society (ANHS) yesterday evening (30 October) by Professor Ian Newton, BTO Chair, and Jo Winyard and Professor Bill Sutherland, on behalf of The Marsh Christian Trust...

Marsh Award for Innovative Ornithology

October 2013

The Marsh Award for Innovative Ornithology was presented to Dr Christian Rutz yesterday evening (30 October) by Professor Ian Newton, BTO Chairman, and Jo Winyard and Professor Bill Sutherland, on behalf of The Marsh Christian Trust...

Marsh Award for Ornithology

October 2013

The Marsh Award for Ornithology was presented to Dr Jane Reid yesterday evening (30 October) by Professor Ian Newton, BTO Chairman and Jo Winyard and Professor Bill Sutherland, on behalf of The Marsh Christian Trust...

Dilys Breese Medal

October 2013

John Ingham was presented with the Dilys Breese Medal by Baroness Barbara Young, the BTO’s President, yesterday evening (30 October)...
