WWC 1989-90


Wildfowl and Wader Counts 1989-90

J.S Kirby, R.J. Waters and R.P. Pr?s-Jones

Section 1

Section 1 (PDF, 2.70 MB)

Title Page, National Waterfowl Counts, Birds of Estuary Enquiries, Acknowledgements, Contents, Winter weather in 1989-90, Interpretation of waterfowl counts, Important notices, Wildfowl, Progress and developments, Research, conservation and management, Coverage in 1989-90, Data Presentation, Total numbers, Monthly fluctuations, Indicies, Principal sites, Species Accounts: Little Grebe to Coot, Waders, Data presentation, Coverage, Developments in the Estuaries Unit, United Kingdom population totals, Indices of wintering numbers, Species Accounts: Oystercatcher to Turnstone, Principal sites, References, Appendices.

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