Records of rare breeding birds sought

09 Sep 2015 Black Swan by Gary Loader

With the breeding season drawing to a close, the Rare Breeding Birds Panel (RBBP) is seeking records of species with a breeding population of fewer than 2,000 pairs. These records are crucial in monitoring the population trends and distribution of our rarest breeding birds, as these species are not monitored by the Breeding Bird Survey. Reports also contribute towards species conservation and habitat protection. Don’t forget breeding records of scarce non-native birds like Muscovy Duck and Black Swan, which are often ignored by birdwatchers.
Submitting records is easy if you’re already using BirdTrack – just add the relevant breeding code to your sightings when entering or editing records. The RBBP has put together a two-page guide (PDF file) for observers unsure of how to record breeding pairs, adults with young or colonies.

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