Lapland Bunting

03 Sep 2010 Lapland Bunting. Photograph by Jeff Copner

There's nothing unusual about a few Lapland Buntings appearing at coastal watchpoints in late August / early September. The events of the last week, however, have been out of the ordinary: Large numbers of Lapland Buntings have arrived, particularly in northwest Scotland and Ireland. Birds have been recorded at over 60 locations, with pride of place going to Fair Isle, Shetland, where the highest-ever count of 184 was made on 31st August. We're grateful that several of these records have been submitted to BirdTrack. One record, concerning 4 birds in Co. Clare, Ireland, was accompanied by the really instructive image above.
Don't forget that you can use the new Direction of flight function to record the movements of fly-over migrants at this time of year.

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