Bitesize Birdsong Northern Ireland (3 sessions)

Sorrel Lyall, Gethin Jenkins-Jones
Wednesday, March 27, 2024 - 19:30 to Wednesday, April 10, 2024 - 19:30
Fully booked

Do you want to know which birds are singing in your garden or local park? Join these short, interactive online workshops on how to identify common garden birds in Northern Ireland by song. For those new to birdwatching and birdsong identification!



The dawn chorus is one of nature’s greatest gifts, having inspired music, poetry and literature for centuries. Tuning into bird song will transform your time outdoors in your local greenspace and potentially bring wonders to your mental and physical wellbeing. In this short series of interactive workshops packed with useful and entertaining memory aids, Sorrel and Gethin from the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) will help you identify common garden birds using just your ears. 

The three sessions will take place on the following dates:

  • Wednesday 27th March 19:30-20:30
  • Wednesday 3rd April 19:30-20:30
  • Wednesday 10th April 19:30-20:30

These sessions are aimed at those new to birdwatching and birdsong identification. Jemma from BTO NI will be running a Bird Songs and Calls Refresher Training course for those who have attended training before and/or would like to brush up on their skills. More information and sign up for free here.

Zoom joining instructions will be emailed the day before each session. The sessions will be recorded, in case you’re unable to attend you can't make all three, but we encourage you to attend the live sessions to get the most out of them. By registering here, you will be signed up for all three sessions and emailed the recordings after each session.

These free events are part of BTO's Ripple NI Project, which is generously funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.