Satellite-tracking study links population declines to Cuckoo's choice of migration route

20 Jul 2016 | No. 2016-33

A study tracking the migrations of Common Cuckoos with tiny satellite tags, carried out by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) over the past five years, has made a series of stunning discoveries. The results, just published in Nature Communications, shed new light on the lives of migrating birds and point to some of the causes of the species' dramatic population decline.

Researchers at the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) have spent the past five years studying the routes used by Cuckoos as they migrate between Britain, where they breed, and their African wintering quarters. This work has revealed three startling pieces of new information, published today in the journal Nature Communications.

By fitting the birds (42 male Cuckoos) with tiny devices, which allow each bird’s location to be tracked by satellites, the researchers have confirmed that, as suspected, many of our Cuckoos leave Britain in the autumn and fly to Italy, before crossing the Mediterranean and the Sahara to winter in Africa. The tags have revealed that the birds winter in the western part of the Congo rainforest, something that we didn't know before.

Some birds, however, use a second route, through Spain and on to West Africa, something that was completely unexpected. What’s more, after arriving in West Africa and having crossed the Sahara, these birds take a left turn and make their way to the same central African wintering grounds as the birds that migrated via Italy. This is the first time that science has recorded birds taking two such distinct routes to the same destination – usually divergence in routes leads to the occupancy of different wintering grounds. Interestingly, all of the birds make their spring migration via the western route, regardless of the route used the previous autumn.

The second piece of new information may help to explain why Cuckoo populations are in decline across much of Britain. The study has revealed that the route that a Cuckoo takes to get to its African wintering grounds could mean the difference between life and death. The unusual migration pattern allowed BTO scientists to assess the mortality rates associated with use of each of the two routes. Up to the point where the birds had completed their crossing of the Sahara desert, there was a marked difference with birds travelling via Italy surviving better than those travelling via Spain. This is the first time that differences in mortality have been attributed to differences in migration route.

Not only did survival rates of tagged birds differ between the two routes, but so did the origins of the birds within Britain leading to the third major finding. All of the birds tagged in Scotland and Wales, where the species is not doing too badly, took the more successful eastern route via Italy. Whereas across England, where we have lost 71% of our breeding Cuckoos during the last 25 years, local populations were made up of variable mixtures of birds taking either route. Using information on Cuckoo breeding populations from Bird Atlas 2007-11 and the BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey, the study found that across tagging locations in the UK, the proportion of birds using the less successful route via Spain correlates strongly with local population decline. This is the first time that mortality on migration has been linked to breeding population decline.

Dr Chris Hewson, lead scientist on the project at the BTO, said, “Understanding migratory birds and their population declines is very difficult because they may only be with us on the breeding grounds for a couple of months of each year. Until recently, we had very limited information on where Cuckoos and other long distance migrants went or what they did for most of the rest of the time. This study shows that by satellite-tracking them, we can uncover not only their migration routes and wintering locations but also information about patterns of survival that is potentially vital for understanding why they are disappearing so fast.”

Migrant birds such as the Cuckoo fuel their migratory flights by storing fat in their bodies, and it seems that those feeding up in the western part of the Mediterranean might be finding this harder to do than those in the east. This could be as a result of climate change, such as the recent late summer droughts in Spain, reducing the abundance of the high-energy invertebrates that the Cuckoos need to fuel a desert crossing. What’s more, the study suggests these birds may undertake more fattening in the UK before they begin their migration than birds heading out via Italy. This would leave them especially vulnerable to the declines in moths (whose caterpillars are their main prey) that have been especially severe in the south of England, where these birds breed.

There are currently 12 satellite-tagged Cuckoos making their way to Africa. Anyone can follow and sponsor these birds as they make their way to the Congo rainforest during the next couple of months at

Notes for Editors

  1. The paper - Hewson, C.M., Thorup, K., Pearce-Higgins, J. & Atkinson, P.W. (2016) Population decline is linked to migration route in the Common Cuckoo, a long distance nocturnally-migrating migrant. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/NCOMMS12296
  2. For more information about the Cuckoo project, please visit 
  3. The BTO is the UK's leading bird research charity. A growing membership and up to 60,000 volunteer birdwatchers contribute to the BTO's surveys, collecting information that underpins conservation action in the UK. The BTO maintains a staff of 100 at its offices in Thetford, Stirling, Bangor (Wales) and Bangor (Northern Ireland), who analyse and publicise the results of surveys and projects. The BTO's work is funded by BTO supporters, government, trusts, industry and conservation organisations.
  4. Nature Communications is an open access journal that publishes high-quality research in biology, physics, chemistry, Earth sciences, and related areas. Once published, the paper can be accessed here.
  5. BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey shows that Cuckoos are doing better in some areas of the country than in others, with the decline in England (71%) being greater than in Scotland and Wales.
  6. The technology - The recent development of new 5g tags allowed the tracking of this species for the first time in 2011.  The tags are solar-powered, transmitting for 10 hours and then going into 'sleep' mode for 48 hours, to allow the solar panel to recharge the battery.
  7. Bird Atlas 2007-11 -  is one of the most ambitious volunteer projects ever undertaken, to map birds in both winter and the breeding season from every inch of Britain and Ireland. Bird Atlas 2007-11 was a partnership between BTO, BirdWatch Ireland and the Scottish Ornithologists' Club.

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Paul Stancliffe
(BTO Media Manager)

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Email: press [at]

Images are available for use alongside this News Release. Please contact images [at] quoting reference 2016-July-33 These include an animated GIF for online use, showing the key elements of the story.

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