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Publisher: Earthscan, London.

Publication Year: 2011

Binding: 2

Page Count: 375

ISBN Number: ISBN 978-1-8497-1071-8

Price: £65.00

Invasive and Introduced Plants and Animals: Human Perceptions, Attitudes and Approaches to Management

A series of 24 papers tackling the hot potato subject of non-native species on a worldwide scale. Familiar as we are with Grey Squirrels, parakeets and Muntjac Deer, the topics covered here take a much wider perspective and help put the UK’s non-native species (and our attitudes towards them) into context. The book is spilt into four main sections; setting the scene, attitudes and perceptions, case studies and case histories and, finally, the way ahead. Sadly the price may put a lot of people off buying the book, but anyone working in ecology or conservation and who has to deal with non-native species should read this.

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