Publisher: BirdLife International, Quito, Ecuador
Publication Year: 2009
Binding: 2
Page Count: 458
ISBN Number: 978-9942-9959-0-2
Price: £44.95
Important Bird Areas: Americas. Priority sites for biodiversity conservation
A richly illustrated addition to a BirdLife series, this book tackles the Important Bird Areas (IBAs) within the American continent, covering South America, Central America, North America, Canada and many off shore islands in the Caribbean, although the previous title in this series covered the latter in more detail. Each country is dealt with separately, with a general introduction and discussion on the ornithological importance as a whole where the most important species are highlighted. Then follows an IBA overview, maps and a detailed list of each IBA. Finally opportunities are explored and a comprehensive reference source provided.
Available through NHBS ( or phone 01803 865913
Book reviewed by Su Gough
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