Publisher: Crossbill Guides Foundation
Publication Year: 2013
Binding: 1
Page Count: 255
ISBN Number: 978-9-491-64801-4
Price: £19.95
These Crossbill guides are really super little books. Even if you are a keen birder, you should still investigate if there is a Crossbill guide to your destination. If so, you are in luck! The guide will put the area into context and looks in a completely accessible way at how geology, weather and man have shaped the landscape and habitats to be found there. Championing the entire environment and the inter-linkages between landscape and the flora and fauna to be found there. Even if this doesn't inspire you, buy the books as a way of getting an overview of all the other flora and fauna you might encounter, whilst birding as well as suggesting a selection of routes for wlidlife walks.
Book reviewed by Su Gough
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