Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Publication Year: 2014
Binding: 2
Page Count: 1088
ISBN Number: 978-1-42140-751-7
Price: £44.99
Ducks, Geese, and Swans of North America - two volume set
Advertised as ‘revised and updated edition of the bestselling classic’, this is more than a new edition. This landmark publication first became available in 1942 and, even then, was a thorough treatise on the 46 species that occur in North America. Guy Baldassarre, who sadly didn’t live to see publication, has completely researched and re-written the entire two volumes, resulting in an up-to-date overview of those species, many of which are the same as occur on this side of the Atlantic.
The breadth covered is stunning, taking Mallard as the example the sections covered are: Introduction, Identification (at a glance, adult males, adult females, juveniles, ducklings, similar species, weights and measurements), Distribution (breeding, winter, migration), Migration Behaviour (moult migration), Habitat, Population Status, Breeding Biology (mating systems, sex ratio, site fidelity and territory, courtship displays, nest sites, clutch size and eggs, incubation and energetic costs, nesting chronology, nest success, brood parasitism, renesting, brood habitat and care, brood amalgamation, development), Recruitment and Survival, Food habits and Feeding Ecology (breeding, migration and winter), Moults and Plumages, Conservation and Management. These are covered in great detail in 51 pages of text, illustrated throughout with colour photos of relevant behaviours or plumages, and introduced by paintings by Robert W. (Bob) Hines.
A really useful reference for anyone interested by waterfowl and, despite being centres on North America, it contains a lot of relevant information for Europeans as well. Comes in a slip case, with additional CD-ROM
Book reviewed by Su Gough
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