Publisher: Frith & Frith, Queensland, Australia
Publication Year: 2010
Binding: 2
Page Count: 370
ISBN Number: 978-06465-329-81
Price: £66.00
Birds of Paradise: Nature, Art & History
This is a beautiful book, bringing together many aspects of the lives and history of the birds of paradise. Previous books on the subject have concentrated on the biology and taxonomy of the group, but this covers so much more. Birds of Paradise have fascinated us since well before their skins were first brought to Europe by adventurers and explorers. The practice of removing feet and legs tokeep the skins fresh on the journeys created the belief was that the birds had no legs, and survived by floating across the skies, being sustained by dew and rain. Their breathtaking colours, feathers and remote and exotic homes added to their mystique. One fascinating part of the book looks at the role of Birds of Paradise in art, with their portrayal, sometimes rather tangentially, in sometimes surprising places. Some species have also had a long history with the native peoples of their island home, with their feathers – sometimes in enormous quantities – adorning the headgear and other parts of the traditional costumes.
A further section examinesthe lives of the men, and occasionally wonem, whose names are celbrated in the common and scientific names of the birds, as well as more traditional aspects, such as the evolution and ecology of the birds themselves. A fascinating and thorough treatise on the subject.
Book reviewed by Su Gough
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