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Publisher: Christopher Helm, London

Publication Year: 2012

Binding: 1

Page Count: 336

ISBN Number: 978-07136-703-87

Price: £35.00

Birds of Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan

A classic style of field guide from Helm, presented in a comfortable way that works well in the field. Covering a little-visited area, and yet holding a range of treasures for birdwatchers, Central Asia, as used here, is a somewhat poorly-defined area, but includes the area previously known as Turkestan as well as Afghanistan, which neither falls in the Middle East nor in the Oriental region. Illustrations are excellent, although some will look familiar from other Helm guides, as they have been re-used and this can lead to a variety of styles and scale occurring on one page. An essential book if you are birding anywhere in the region.

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