Publisher: Bristol Ornithological Club, Bristol
Publication Year: 2017
Binding: 1
Page Count: 96
ISBN Number: 9781527205062
Price: £12.00
Birding in the Bristol Region: a Celebration: 50 Years of the Bristol Ornithological Club
This short book has been produced to mark 50 years of the Bristol Ornithological Club. As a one-time Bristol resident, it brought back many memories of the vibrant birdwatching community and the birds of the area. There is a short history of the club, followed by “Fifty birds of Avon”, where local club members have chosen a species each and described what it means to them. Perhaps of greatest interest is an insightful article by BTO Jubilee medal winner Richard Bland on “Fifty years of change”, summarising the ups and downs of the local avifauna over that period. An excellent publication – maybe something for other clubs to emulate?
Book reviewed by Andy Musgrove
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