Aquatic Warbler

Acrocephalus paludicola (Vieillot, 1817) AQ AQUWA 12420
Family: Passeriformes > Acrocephalidae

Similar to a Sedge Warbler in general appearance, but with a buff crown stripe and more patterned back, Aquatic Warbler is a rare passage visitor to Britain.

Aquatic Warbler has a restricted breeding range, with 80% of the global population thought to breed in Poland. Autumn movements to the wintering grounds in western Africa result in records of birds along the English Channel coasts. Numbers here fallen in recent years, most likely a result of declines in the breeding populations linked to habitat loss.

Select a topic for more facts and statistics about the Aquatic Warbler

  • Breeding
  • Winter
486 records observations recorded by BTO surveyors
486 records


486 records observations recorded by BTO surveyors
486 records



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Status and Trends

Population size and trends and patterns of distribution based on BTO surveys and atlases with data collected by BTO volunteers.


This species can be found on the following statutory and conservation listings and schedules.



This vagrant is too rarely reported to map distribution.

Occupied 10-km squares in UK

European Distribution Map

European Breeding Bird Atlas 2


Information about movement and migration based on online bird portals (e.g. BirdTrack), Ringing schemes and tracking studies.


View a summary of recoveries in the Online Ringing Report.

Foreign locations of birds ringed or recovered in Britain & Ireland

Foreign locations of Aquatic Warbler ringed or recovered in Britain & Ireland
Encountered in: Winter (Nov-Feb); Spring (Mar-Apr); Summer (May-Jul); Autumn (Aug-Oct)


Lifecycle and body size information about Aquatic Warbler, including statistics on nesting, eggs and lifespan based on BTO ringing and nest recording data.




For information in another language (where available) click on a linked name

Welsh: Telor Dwr
Catalan: boscarla d'aigua
Czech: rákosník ostricový
Danish: Vandsanger
Dutch: Waterrietzanger
Estonian: tarna-roolind
Finnish: sarakerttunen
French: Phragmite aquatique
German: Seggenrohrsänger
Hungarian: csíkosfeju nádiposzáta
Icelandic: Fenjasöngvari
Irish: Ceolaire Uisce
Italian: Pagliarolo
Latvian: grišlu kaukis
Lithuanian: meldine nendrinuke
Norwegian: Vannsanger
Polish: wodniczka
Portuguese: felosa-aquática
Slovak: trsteniarik vodný
Slovenian: povodna trstnica
Spanish: Carricerín cejudo
Swedish: vattensångare

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