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Cuach Cores

Cuach Cores was named by the National Parks & Wildlife Service after a mountain in Killarney National Park where he was tagged.

Cuach Cores.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023 - 05:00
Tagging Location:
Incheens, Killarney National Park, Ireland
Age when found:
Satellite Tag No.:
Wing Length (mm):

Cuach Cores's journey from 02 May 2024 to 20 July 2024

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Cuach Cores's movements

01 Jul 2024 - Cores goes with the Po flow

Cuach Cores appears to have reoriented slightly from his last location in south-eastern France, and has now headed up to an area just north of the Italian city of Turin.

He has been following the River Po, Italy’s longest river; if he continues on this route it will take him eastwards, toward the Adriatic.

24 Jun 2024 - Cuach Cores heads for the coast

After spending several days around Châteaubriant, Cuach Cores finally got going again, and made a remarkable journey of around 823 km (511 miles) over the weekend.

Along the way, he spent a little time in the same area as Sayaan, near Dijon, before he moved determinedly south-east, past Grenoble and into the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region. He is just 113 km (70 miles) from the Mediterranean coast, from where he should cross into North Africa to begin the next leg of his journey.

13 Jun 2024 - Cores heads into France

Since leaving Ireland and arriving in north-west France a week ago, Cuach Cores has been taking it relatively easy, moving slowly south-eastwards into the Loire-Atlantique region.

Currently just north of the medieval town of Châteaubriant, he will likely head towards Italy and head down to Africa via an eastern route.

06 Jun 2024 - Last in, first out...

Cuach Cores was the last of our tagged Cuckoos to arrive back in the breeding grounds, and he is also the first to start heading back to Africa!

After spending just 28 days in Ireland, he took off south overnight and made landfall on the Brittany coast this morning (6 June) after a flight of 539km (335 miles).

09 May 2024 - House! Cores completes the set...

Cuach Cores wasted no time after he left France, taking a direct route of around 560km (347 miles) back to Killarney National Park, where he was originally tagged on 17 May, 2023.

The majority of his flight was over open water, though he did pass briefly over the tip of Cornwall near Land's End!

He is the last of our still-active tagged Cuckoos to have returned to the breeding grounds this spring.

Past updates from cuach cores

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“This is my first year following the Cuckoo’s journey and I would like to thank you for the happiness and pleasure it has given me reading your updates. I look forward to the next journeys. Amazing!”

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© British Trust for Ornithology.