Our Team – Wales

The staff at BTO Cymru deliver engagement, training and support for our network of volunteers, and provide important scientific research to meet Wales’ specific needs.

They are a main point of contact for our network of volunteers, our regional volunteer network, our many members, funders and partner organisations, all working together to deliver a vibrant and diverse Welsh countryside.

Their expertise in the Welsh countryside and culture means they can feed back to the BTO’s headquarters and ensure that the BTO’s national monitoring surveys and research is relevant to Wales.

Our staff are available to discuss developing research projects, volunteer training and development, and to answer any general enquiries.

  • If you are looking to take part, or need support with any survey you are participating in or would like to take part in, feel free to contact your Regional Representative (see below) for a local perspective.

BTO Cymru

Rachel Taylor
Senior Ecologist
Callum Macgregor
Senior Research Ecologist
Hannah Hereward
Research Ecologist
Photo of Gethin Jenkins-Jones
Development and Engagement Coordinator
Katharine Bowgen
Senior Research Ecologist
Charlotte Griffiths
Welsh Raptor Monitoring Coordinator - Project Lead
Get in contact

Tel: 01248 383285

Email: wales.info [at] bto.org


BTO Wales, Thoday Building
Deiniol Rd
LL57 2UW Bangor , Gwynedd

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