Next WeBS Core Count date: 15 July 2018

Next WeBS Core Count date: 15 July 2018

01 Jul 2018

Green Sandpiper - image by Dave King
July is a quiet month on most inland waterbodies, with many birds on nests or with fledged young, but please remember not to count these young birds on your monthly counts until they are 2/3 grown. Wetland sites will begin to see the start of the return wader passage depending on water levels with Green Sandpipers being one of the first species to appear. Although generally a quiet month for rarities around waterbodies, occasional vagrants such as Lesser Scaup, Collared Pratincole or Marsh Sandpiper or maybe even a real rarity such as a Red-necked Stint may turn up. Stay safe and enjoy your WeBS Count!

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