Waterbird ID Practice Session - Ayrshire

Knot by Chris Mills www.norfolkbirding.com
Steve Willis
Sunday, October 9, 2022 - 10:00 to 16:00
Fully booked

Practice your wader and waterbird ID, learning key features and transferable skills

Join BTO Scotland staff member Steve Willis to practise your wader and waterbird ID skills. During this small-group event we will enjoy spending time together looking at waders, waterbirds and any other species that are present. We'll practise a range of skills, including key ID features for particular species, and broader transferable skills that will help with your development as a birdwatcher. This is a fantastic opportunity to increase your confidence in a supportive environment, plus meet some like-minded souls and enjoy some birds!

The event will take place at Irvine Harbour (morning) and Garnock Floods (afternoon) and participants are welcome to join us for one or both sessions. 

Bring your own food and drink and please wear appropriate clothing for the weather conditions.    

Given the ongoing situation with Covid-19 we have to run this event with a degree of care. We will bring a few telescopes to share and we advise use of hand gel between users. Please bring your own binoculars and your favoured bird guide.