Marsh Awards 2020 - online stream and live panel

Marsh Awards 2019. Nick Caro
Wednesday, October 28, 2020 - 19:00 to 20:45

Join us online as BTO recognises the contributions that individuals make to our understanding of birds through our annual awards.

BTO recognises the contributions that individuals make to our understanding of birds through our annual awards, supported by the Marsh Christian Trust.

This year’s awards took place on Wednesday 28 October and you can watch a replay of this virtual event on our Youtube channel.

The awards were followed by a panel discussion on the role that the arts play in promoting science and conservation. The panelists – Harriet Mead (Society of Wildlife Artists President), Mike Toms (BTO), Ben Woodhams (SWLA Member Artists) and Matt Howard (Poet, RSPB) examined why art and the written word are more powerful in engaging audiences and effecting behavioural change, before turning to look at some of the practical considerations of NGO/creative partnerships. The event, hosted on Crowdcast, was recorded and you can watch a replay.