NI Lowland Breeding Wader Survey training (1-day, Magherafelt)

Redshank by Les Foster
Shane Wolsey
Friday, March 29, 2019 - 09:30 to 14:30
Fully booked

Build your familiarity with the key wader species and practise the survey methodology

Build your confidence with lowland breeding wader identification and learn the methods for the Northern Ireland Lowland Breeding Wader Survey. The course will be classroom-based and focus on improving confidence and skills to encourage participation.

This course aims to provide you with the following:

  • Familiarity with the identification of lowland breeding waders.
  • An understanding of the survey methodology and how to apply it.
  • Awareness of the field skills needs for this survey.
  • Confidence to identify suitable sites for surveying.

This course is specifically targeted to increase coverage for the Northern Ireland Lowland Breeding Wader Survey, hence we are able to offer it at no cost to participants.

Refreshments are provided; please bring a packed lunch.

Online booking is available for this event but if you have any queries about booking a place, please email Shane.Wolsey [at] or ring 02891 467947.



Mid Ulster Council Offices
Mid Ulster Council Offices
BT45 6EN Magherafelt
United Kingdom