Still no confirmation from Larry - 25 Feb 2019

Even though the locations we are getting from Larry’s tag are of poor quality they all show him the rainforest to the north of the Teke Plateau in northern Congo, so we are sure this is where he is. Once he pops out of the dense rainforest we should begin to receive better quality locations.

Larry on the move? - 11 Feb 2019
We received a couple of poor locations from Larry's tag that show him to the north of the Teke Plateau in dense rainforest. However, like the last time we heard from him we will have to wait for better quality locations to confirm this.
Larry on the move? - 29 Jan 2019
During the last couple of days we received a series of locations from Larry's tag that show him on the Teke Plateau, Congo, 522km (324 miles) north of his mid-winter location in Angola. We will have to wait for some better locations to confirm this and for it to appear on his map, but it does look like Larry is on his way back.
Larry settled - 03 Jan 2019
Larry hasn't moved much since mid-December, other than short distances. He is currently around 50km (30 miles) from the coastal town of N'zeto, Angola.
Larry settled - 20 Dec 2018
Larry hasn't moved much during tha last couple of weeks but data from his tag shows that he is alive and well. He is one of four tagged Cuckoos that are wintering within a 30 mile radius in the same area of forest in Angola. The other three are Lambert, Knepp and PJ.

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