Funding CES

The Constant Effort Scheme is funded by a partnership of the BTO, the Joint Nature Conservation Committee on behalf of the statutory nature conservation bodies (Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, Scottish Natural Heritage and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Northern Ireland). It is also part of the BTO Ringing Scheme which is funded by the BTO/JNCC Partnership, The National Parks and Wildlife Service (Ireland) and the ringers themselves. 

Currently specific support to the ringers carrying out CES comes in two forms.

Ring Refunds

Each project receives 20p for each new bird ringed during a CES session. This covers most of the direct cost of the rings.

Project Support

Each year, new and existing CES and RAS projects can apply for additional project support. Sums of up to £100 are given to about 45 projects each year. Preference is given to projects which have not received additional support recently and the ones which are contributing the most to the Demographic Targeting Strategy. This support contributes to the cost of equipment used during ringing sessions.

Applications for project support will open in late November, subject to available funding.

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