Publisher: Cambridgeshire Bird Club, Cambridge
Publication Year: 2013
Binding: 1
Page Count: 294
ISBN Number: 978-0-90203-827-1
Price: £15.00
Cambridgeshire Bird Atlas 2007-2011
In the next few months there will be a wave of county and regional atlases, that carried out the fieldwork stage as part of, or alongside, the fieldwork for Bird Atlas 2007-11. We will be publishing a major article in a forthcoming article in BTO News celebrating the huge acheivement all of the county bird clubs and groups have made in publishing their atlases. In the meantime, the latest one to arrive at the BTO library is this one - the Cambridgeshire Bird Atlas. Compared to some it is modest in dimensions, and paperbacked, but this helps keep the price within a sensible level. Each species has maps showing summer and winter distribution and abundance and there are lively black and white vignettes throughout.
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