Sherwood still in Congo - 11 Dec 2018
Since arriving in Congo Sherwood hasn't moved very far, although during the last few days he moved north and east by around 30km (20 miles). He is just on the northern edge of the Crystal Mountains and to the east of Kibangou.
Sherwood is in Congo - 14 Nov 2018
On the 8 November we received a series of locations that showed Sherwood had moved out of Nigeria and that he was in the very northeast corner of Equatorial Guinea. Four days later he was in the Congo rainforest. During this time he has flown almost 1,500km (900 miles).
Sherwood to the north of the Niger Delta - 07 Nov 2018
The last week has seen Sherwood move south and east out of Benin and into Nigeria. He is currently in an area of fairly open forest to the north of the town of Arimogija and 460km (286 miles) from his Benin stopover site.
Sherwood heading east - 19 Oct 2018
It was beginning to look like Sherwood might never leave the beach in Senegal but on 29 September he began the journey east in earnest. In the last three weeks he has travelled through Senegal, Mali, the northern tip of Guinea, Burkina Faso, Ghana and Togo and onwards into Benin, a distance of 2,239km (1,391 miles). He is currently just tom the south of Tokou in an area of open country with scattered small trees, and the temperature is around 31 degrees C in light south-easterly winds, perfect conditions for an onward flight.
Sherwood is still on the beach - 27 Sep 2018
Sherwood is still using an area of dunes and trees behind the beach just to the north of Dakar in Senegal. The data we are getting from his tag suggests that all is still well with him, so it will be interesting to see when he decides to move east.

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