Raymond moving west? - 29 Mar 2019
An update received from Raymond's tag at 02:55 yesterday morning suggests that he has departed Cameroon and has flown 515 Km (320 miles) west and crossed the border into Nigeria. We will have to await another update to learn whether Raymond has stayed in Nigeria or was en-route to another destination further west.
Raymond is in Cameroon - 18 Mar 2019
Over the weekend, Raymond moved west, crossing the border into Cameroon. He is currently in gallery forest to the west of the Lom River and the town of Maraba, and 382km (237 miles) from his stopover site in CAR.
Raymond on the move - 11 Mar 2019

Raymond is still in CAR, however, in the last few days he has moved 162km (100 miles) to the west. He is still in the gallery forest to the north of the rainforest but much closer to the border with Cameroon.

Raymond in CAR - 25 Feb 2019

At breakfast on 21 February Raymond was still between the Congo and Sangha rivers, deep in the Congo rainforest. By breakfast on 23 February is was almost 600km (370 miles) to the north in Central African Republic. He is now in the much more open gallery forest beyond the northern edge of the rainforest.

Raymond moves east - 18 Feb 2019

Having spent over two months on the northern edge of the Teke Plateau, Raymond has moved 245km (152 miles) east towards the Congo River. He is currently between the Congo and Sangha rivers, in dense rainforest. The battery charge on his tag is now much better, so we should hear from him much more frequently.

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