No change from David, Iolo and Indy - 16 Jul 2012

There has been no movement for three of the Cuckoos tagged in Wales over the past week, with David still stopping over in Montenegro and Iolo and Indy doing likewise in the Po watershed. Lloyd, however, has been up to some very odd movements – see his blog for further details.

A brief pause for Welsh Cuckoos - 09 Jul 2012

In common with the Cuckoos tagged in Scotland and England, over the past week there has been little movement form those tagged in Wales. The exception was Indy who, as reported in his blog last week, moved from France into Italy, joining Iolo and becoming the second Cuckoo to be staging in the Po watershed (Reacher passed though the region very briefly but is now staging close to the border between France and Spain). 115597 is still close to Marseille in France.

Indy travels through France to Italy - 03 Jul 2012

Indy was in the Pircadie region on 20 June and has slowly made his way south before heading east to Italy.

On the 22 June he had moved to the Champagne-Ardenne region and was 16km (10 miles) south of Reims. Transmitting on the 25 June he had continued on another 244km (151 miles) to the region of Burgundy. Indy then settled for several days in an area 30 miles north of Lyon, in the Rhone-Alpes region, 70km south-west of the southern most tip of Lake Geneva, before heading in a south-easterly direction 308km (191 miles) in to the Piedmont region of Italy. He is 14 km (9 miles) from Alessandria.

Indy in France - 21 Jun 2012

Indy has followed the other three Welsh male Cuckoos out of the country. New locations received on the morning of 20 June showed he has moved approximately 275km (170 miles) SE from his previous position in Surrey and was now in the Picardie region of France.

Indy tagged 30 May - 30 May 2012

Indy was tagged at Cors Caron, Ceredigion, Wales. and is at least one year old. Since being caught on 30 May 2012 he has remained in the area. 

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