No news from Clement - 06 Mar 2012

 We haven't heard from Clement for over ten days and must assume that he is still in southern Cameroon, feeding in deep cover in preparation for his next push north.

Clement in Cameroon - 29 Feb 2012

A transmission on 22 Feb at 19.55 shows that Clement remains in the same location in the south of Cameroon.

Clement clocks out of Congo! - 20 Feb 2012

No longer the most southerly Cuckoo, we received a transmission from Clement's tag at 9.35 today that showed that he had moved 450km north-west and is now in Cameroon. This is the second large northwards movement that we have seen from one of our Cuckoos, with Kasper having moved north-west into Nigeria. It is an exciting time as the birds start their migration back to Europe.

Clement in the south - 07 Feb 2012
Clement is now the most southerly of the five Cuckoos. A transmission yesterday at 01.15 showed him still settled in the area he has frequented since 23 November.
Cloud reveals Clement - 25 Jan 2012

The cloud cleared and we received a good location for Clement on 22 January which showed no change from his previous location in Congo.

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