BB in Spain - 22 Apr 2014

After completing his desert crossing around the 16 April, BB continued on from Algeria and by the 18 April was a further 685km (425 miles) further north and in Spain, at a location just north of Madrid.  He didn't stop here though and has continued north to the edge of the Cantabrian mountains. He is about 100km (60 miles) south of the  Bay of Biscay. 

BB makes for the north - 17 Apr 2014

Signals on 13 April showed that BB had moved northward but over the next few hours he appeared to move very little. We were a bit worried about this and so were relieved to see that further signals were received yesterday which showed that he had continued onwards and had crossed the desert successfully! They weren't of adequate quality to automatically update the map but given the number of signals received it looks as if these are accurate. They place him in the north of Algeria, near the city of Oran on the northwestern Mediterranean coast. 

BB heads to Burkina Faso - 11 Apr 2014

By the 9 April, BB had left Nigeria and travelled 1000k (620 miles) in a north-westerly direction to reach Burkina Faso. He's remained there for the last couple of days.

BB moves north to Cameroon - 27 Feb 2014

Sometime between the early hours of 24 February and lunchtime on the 26 February, BB made another move north, leaving Gabon behind. During that time he covered 390km (240 miles) to reach  the Mbam et Djerem National Park in central Cameroon.  From the satellite images you can see he is now out of the thick cover of the Congo rainforest and in the edge of some forest, where the tree coverage thins out. 

BB in north Gabon - 25 Feb 2014

BB has left Congo and as of 24 February was in north-east Gabon, having flown 345km (215 miles) north-west of his last location in Congo. He is now in the north of the Minkébé National Park.

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