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Historischer Brutvogelatlas. Die Verbreitung der Schweizer Brutvogel seit 1950 (

Publisher: Swiss Ornithological Institute, Sempach

Publication Year: 2012

Binding: 2

Page Count: 336

ISBN Number: 978-3-95230-067-1

Historischer Brutvogelatlas. Die Verbreitung der Schweizer Brutvogel seit 1950 (Historical atlas of breeding birds. Swiss breeding birds since 1950)


Fr. 85.- Available from Sempach at


This atlas documents the breeding distribution of birds in Switzerland and Liechtenstein for the 1950s to compare with the atlases for 1972-76 and 1993-98. Over 70,000 records were collected from old notebooks, archives, publications and from interviews with people who were there at the time to produce as accurate maps as possible (based on the 10-km squares used in the more recent ones), and although some areas were poorly represented the authors have produced well-founded comparisons for about half the species. Overall most of the species commoner in the 1950s have declined or even disappeared and most of those which have colonised in the period have remained quite rare. The main text is in French and German and summaries of all chapters and species texts are given in English and Italian. 

Book reviewed by Peter Lack

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