Publisher: NatureGuides
Publication Year: 2016
Binding: 2
Page Count: 150
ISBN Number: 9780954488246
Price: £14.99
The Birds of Holy Island and Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve
From the first lines of the introduction, and a sketch of a White-tailed Eagle, it is obvious that The Birds of Holy Island and Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve is a quality book for any enthusiastic birdwatcher. In this edition Ian Kerr has also given us an insight into the history, both natural and cultural, of this enigmatic corner of Northumberland.
Within this book we have much more than bird highlights, it brings us clues of the lives of the Holy Islanders, from the earliest settlers - some 10,000+ years ago, through to the present day. We are given a potted history of the monks and the role they played in development of Christianity in the North, how the first Viking raids changed the face of northern settlements forever, and much more. We learn about the influential part Holy Island played in the development of modern ornithology. Many of the leading naturalists of their day came visiting, at first to collect specimens, then later to study birds on migration.
Much of the first half of this book is taken up with the Island year - season by season. This will be useful when deciding when to come. However, the biggest draw will undoubtedly be the migration periods of Spring and Autumn. These seasonal sections are filled with many fascinating statistics and comments enhanced by Ian’s accessible writing style.
The second half of the book is mainly made up of ‘the list’, a thorough review of every species recorded on the Island. This is quite formal but incredibly well researched with comments about status, the highs and lows, and early and late dates.
An unexpected and useful find is an excellent map of the Island inside the dust jacket adding to the appeal of the book, which is a comprehensive revision of previous editions of Birds of Holy Island. It is also enhanced by photographs of some of the important species and particularly by the exquisite drawings by local artist Stewart Sexton. Altogether this book is highly recommended for anyone with even the smallest interest in the birds and birdwatching on the wonderful Holy Island of Lindisfarne.Book reviewed by Tom and Muriel Cadwallender
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