Frequently asked Questions

Can I take part in the GBFS?

The GBFS is restricted to approximately 250 gardens in each year and these are selected carefully from pre-existing participants in the larger year-round BTO Garden BirdWatch survey. For a full explanation, see GBFS instructions

Can I obtain a new or replacement GBFS form?

If your GBFS form has been lost or was not delivered to you, please contact the Garden BirdWatch team at your earliest convenience: email gbw [at]; tel. 01842 750050.

When are my GBFS forms due?

The due dates for the GBFS forms vary year-to-year. If you have lost your instructions for the specific winter period, please contact the Garden BirdWatch team at your earliest convenience: email gbw [at]; tel. 01482 750050.

On my GBFS form, do I record water as a feeding unit?

Water is not currently classified as a feeding unit since the main remit of the survey is to examine the influence of bird food on species abundance and diversity.

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