Woodpigeon migration mystery

17 Dec 2015 Woodpigeon by Clive Brown
The Woodpigeon is one of the most widespread bird species found in Britain and Ireland. Recorded on more than 90% of squares surveyed during the most recent Atlas, the breeding population is estimated to be around 5.3 million pairs.
In mid November, there were eye-catching counts of 50,000 to 150,000 Woodpigeons moving in the Severn area and along the south coast as can be seen in this video. Similar numbers have been seen in previous years. The origin and destination of these birds is something of a mystery. Are these birds local breeders dispersing? Ringing data so far shows only very local movements of birds breeding in Britain and similarly there is little evidence for birds arriving en-masse from Scandinavia. Your counts in BirdTrack can help in understanding this mystery.

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